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For more info about Kevin's latest music project The Out of Step, click here.

Past music projects:

Puppet Show cover_edited.jpg

Puppet Show (2015)

Listen on Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud

CD/digital download available for purchase at Bandcamp

If A Song Could be Freedom: Military Dissent Mixtape

(produced for Interference Archive, 2018)

The music on this mixtape was inspired by those antiwar dissenters who know the inner-workings of the U.S. military best. Most of the songs were written and/or performed by veterans or service members. Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Iraq Veterans Against the War (now “About Face”) and the G.I. resistance movements of the past half-century produced the countercultures from which this music emerged. Not surprisingly, most can be categorized as punk, folk, blues or rap–the music of the People–with lyrical content ranging from remorseful warnings to potential enlistees, to revolutionary convictions, to gallows humor. This mixtape also includes clips from interviews, public testimonies, street actions and other media, providing context for the songs. This is just a sampling of a well-stocked, but under-appreciated, subgenre of antiwar music.

© 2024 by Kevin Basl

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